Thursday, 1 November 2012


Para peserta lelaki yang hadir dalam Majlis Baca Yasin dan Tahlil Arwah
Mala mini sekitar 20 kenkawan daripada kumpulan Alumni TBSST menghairi Majlis Bacaan Yasin dan Tahlil Arwah di Masjid Ubudiah, Seksyen 19, Shah Alam. Majlis diadakan selepas Maghrib dan berakhir di rumah Muhammad Ibrahim dengan Reuni Kecil berupa acara teh tarik spontan. Majlis diadakan sempena memperingati pemergian beberapa orang arwah yang telah meninggalkan kita sejak kebelakangan ini.  

Antara yang awal tiba ke majlis baca yasin dan tahlil arwah di masjid Ubudiah. Dari kiri Mohd Ayob Hashim, Salleh Johari, Mohammad Ibrahim dan Zahriman Alias.

 Menurut Presiden Alumni TBSST, Zahriman Alias, " Malam kito bekas murid TBS mengadakan majlis tahlil khas untuk bekas rakan2 kito, iaitu Allahyarham2 Mohd Zain Mohd Yassin, Tahirul Ariffin Mohd Tahir, Mohd Shuha Shukor, Zainal Abidin Mohd Jani, Md Zain Sulaiman, Amrah Yassin, dan Buyong Main. Kito sumo berterimo kasih kepado Mohammad Ibrahim kerana bersusah payah menguruskan jamuan di masjid Ubudiah, Seksyen 19 Shah Alam. Lauknya sangat spesel iaitu daging dan ikan semilang campur buah tampang. Kito juga berterimo kasih kepada semuo pihak yang telah menghulurkan sumbangan ikhlas bagi menampung kos kenduri. Jumlah yang telah dikumpul pada malam tadi ialah rm 1164.00. Mohammad Ibrahim sendiri telah menyumbang kos untuk ikan keli dan buah tampang. Wang yang dikutip sudah diserah sepenuhnya kepada sdra Mohammad, dan jika ada lebih, beliau akan dermakan kepada anak yatim."

 Suasana dalam masjid Ubudiah Seksyen 19 Shah Alam ketika Majlis Baca yasin dan Tahlil Arwah berlangsung. Rakaman ZA

Majlis dikendalikan oleh Mohammad Ibrahim, yang juga anggota J/K masjid Ubudiah. Hidangan istimewa makan malam ialah gulai ikan keli (sembilang darat) lomak Podeh dengan rencah tampang, rendang daging dan sayuran beserta ulam-ulaman. Sebagai pencuci mulut dihidangkan pula bubur caca.

Isteri ahriman (kanan) dengan isteri Mohammd Ibrahim sedang berbincang sesuatu di  majlis santai teh tarik di rumah Mohammad di Shah Alam
Antara kenkawan yang hadir pada majlis malam ini ialah Presiden kumpulan, Zahriman Alias dan isteri, kesemua anggota keluarga Allahyarham MZMY, termasuk balu, Datin Siti Ruhani Dato’ Yunus dan beberapa kenkawan lain dalam Grup. Feisol Mahmud, Salleh Johari, Mohd. Ayob Hashim dan Razali Saad turut sama dengan kehadiran mereka amat menceriakan. Setelah makan malam di masjid, Mohamma Ibrahim bermurah hati mempersilakan kenkawan semua mengadakan Reuni kechil di rumahnya berdekatan masjid dengan acara finale berupa teh tarik dan sembang santai memperkenalkan diri dengan lebih mesra. Acara berakhir kra-kira pukul 10.30 malam.

Peserta wanita yang hadir, termasuk anggota keluarga Allahyarham MZMY
Walaupun jumlah yang hadir tidaklah seramai jumlah Reuni sebelum ini yang diadakan pada 1 Mei dan 15 Julai 2012 lalu, namun semangat espirit de corps tetap terjalin dan semakin kental jua. Presiden Grup Alumni TBSST, ZA jelas berpuas hati dengan perjalanan majlis. Secara tak rasmi majlis malam itu Berjaya mengumpulkan dana untuk menampung kos majlis berjumlah kira-kira RM1,100. Ertinya, pledge yang dijanjikan pada peringkat awal sebanyak RM1000 telah melebih sasaran sebanyak RM100. Oleh kerana beberapa hal yang tak dapat dielakkan dua kenkawan yang menjadi tunggak grup – Car Lim Aboo dan Abu Aman Bachik tidak dapat bersama dalam majlis kali ini.

Masjid Ubudiah Seksyen 19, shah Alam tempat berlangsungnya majlis baca yasin dan tahlil arwah, 1 Nov 2012 yang lalu
Hujan yang turun hamper sepanjang hari mungkin menjejaskan sedikit kehadiran kenkawan. Ini dapat dilhat dengan jumlah kenkawan wanita yang hadir. Hanya Datin Siti Ruhani yang telah menunjukkan komitmennya untuk hadir dan Datin Siti dating all the way dari Seksyen 16, Petaling Jaya. Hampir majoriti kenkawan lelaki yang hadir adalah mereka yang tinggal di sekitar Shah Alam dan Seremban. ZA dan isteri merupakan kenkawan yang paling jauh hadir. ZA menetap di Kuala Selangor.

Mohammad Ibrahim sedang bikin Tek-Tarik di rumahnya dalam acara sembang santai

Hujan renyai-renyai masih juga turun apabila majlis bersurai. Namun ia tidak merencatkan suasana dan semangat ukhuwah kumpulan. Terima kasih banyak kepada Muhammad Ibrahim dan isteri yang telah menunjukkan rasa komitmen yang tinggi bagi menjayakan majlis bacaan Yasin dan Tahlil Arwah ini. Allah jualah yang membalas budi baik MI dan isteri kerana tanpa mereka, tidak mungkin majlis akan dapat berjalan dengan baik lagi lancar.
Grup Alumni TBSST turut merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan rasa terima kasih kepada seluruh J/K Masjid Ubudiah yang telah mengizinkan kami mengadakan majlis Bacaan yasin dan Tahlil Arwah ini di premis mereka di  Seksyen 19 Shah Alam. Harapan Grup agar majlis seumpama ini akan dapat diadakan secara berkala setelah mendapat restu daripada semua anggota.  Tidak ketinggalan grup ingin merakamkan  seikhlas-ikhlasnya dan rasa syukur kerana berjaya mengadakan majlis seumpama ini.

Teh Tarik untuk wanita di rumah Mohammad Ibrahim 
Majlis ini mula dicadangkan oleh Kakanda ZA, Siti Zubaidah Alias yang pada awalnya berharap dapat diadakan di kediamannya di Bandar Baru Bangi. Memikirkan masalah tempat dan kesesuaian maka akhirnya Masjid Ubudiah, Seksyen 19 Shah Alam dipilih kerana lokasinya yang strategik, di samping adanya seorang kenkawan yang menjadi anggota J/K masjid. Kepada yang telah pergi al-Fatihah kami sedekahkan dan semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh mereka. Ameen, Ya Rabul Alamin!


  1. Saya juga mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan ribuan timo kasih kpd sahabat kito Mohammad Ibrahim kerano bersusah payah memasak untuk kito diperkarangan masjid bersamo2 dengan kawan2 eh. Timo kasih jugak atas sumbangan ikan keli anda, dan tak lupo timo kasih kerano bersusah payah mencari buah tampang untuk kito.

    Kepado kawan2 yang hadir, terimo kasih atas sumbangan iklas anda. Pado malam tu kito collect RM1164.00, namun masih ado sumbangan dijangko akan diterimo melalui bank saya. Ado beberapo orang kawan yang tidak dapat hadir tetapi telah menghantar sumbangan kepada saya. Keseluruhan wang yang dikutip telah diserahkan kepada Momammad Ibrahim. Katanya, dia hanya akan mengambil RM80.00 dari jumlah itu sebagai kos kenduri, dan selebihnya dia akan dermakan kepada rumah anak yatim tempat dia mengajar mengaji 2 kali seminggu. Sebarang wang yang akan diterima lagi selepas ini juga akan didermakan kepada rumah yatim.

    Terima kasih kepada kawan2 terutama kepada mereka yang datang dari jauh, misalnya Ujang Awang datang all the way dari Bentong, Siti Esah balu Tahirul pula datang dari kampong Ayer Mawang, Aziz Md Nor datang dri Setapak, Sharifudin dari Ampang.....Jangan lupo, kito ado satu lagi reuni di rumah kak teh Datin Rozna Md Jan di Lukut pado 4 Nov 2012 nanti....

  2. Syukur alhamdulillah, majlis Tahlil untuk Arwah2 yang pergi telah selamat di jalankan. Mudah mudahan Allah meridhai usha Alumni. Dan terimakasih tidak terhingga kepada Puan Siti Zubaidah Alias kekanda ZA yang telah mencadangkan majlis ini di adakan. Semoga kita jadikan majlis ini sebagai amalan kumpulan seterusnya, seperti berreuni dan ziarah menziarahi kengkawan sepanjang masa. Sesungguhnya amalan ini adalah amalan yang sangat mulia. aab.

  3. Sei awal2 dah komen tadi, mano pulak poei eh tak keluar2. Susah bona nak komen nijam....nak diuji eh pulak kito dulu samoado kito ni robot ko tidak....haaaishhh..!!!

  4. Kami amat menyanjungi kehadiran Datin Siti Ruhani di Majlis Tahlil dan Baca yasuin di Masjid Ubudiah, Shah Alam malam tadi, Kalaulah saya seperti burung yang bebas, nescaya saya pun ingin ikut serta bersama balu dan keluarga MZMY, isteri ZA dan AFY. Saya amat terharu dengan sambutan walaupun hanya sebilangan anggota Alumni yang hadir manakala di tempat saya hujan turun tiada hentinya. Yang menarik lagi ada sesi teh tarik di rumah Muhammad Ibrahim, budak Tanjung yang tinggal kek Moro, Tonyamor tu. Tengok cara Mohammad buat teh tarik mengalahkan mamam Maidin di kedai Tanjong tu. Tentu AFY ingat kuih godobung Maidin, Lembut dan sodap. Satu lagi kuih godobung keodai Cik Nayan di tedatar. Dulu kocik-kocik saya selalu pergi ko Batang Nyamur ikut rel kotapi, pergi ambil buah kolubi masam. Bila sampai dekat jambatan dinding (jembatan keretapi) dekat Tanjung tu, hati berdebar sebab bila-bila masa sahaja ketapi akan lalu. Apapun, majlis telah berjalan dengan jaya, dan saya perhatikan beberapa di antara yang hadir adalah kenalan masa sekolah TBS dulu. Masih ingat saya semasa di Sekolah Tanjung yang semua anak muridnya perempuan belaka. Kalau lelaki mereka terpaksa ke sekolah Melayu, Kota, di Kampong Perah. Balik sekolah selalu gak singgah di Jeram, tengok ikan dalam tobek kat situ. Sayu hiba juga rasanya bila mengingatkan kembali masa jadi anak sekolah dahulu.

  5. Al-Fatihah, semoga kenkawan yang pergi dahulu akan icucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. Amin Ya Rabualamin!

  6. The esprit de corps that we need to instil among members irrespective of thier personal belief. Everybody is entitled to his or her own. They will want to make comments according to their way of thinking. Not too much censorship in order to avoid monotony. I for one believe in one's expression of freedom. So in this respect I am sending my condolence to the family of the late Mohd Zain Mohd Yassin. To me he was a stabilizer in the midst. I missed him. He was such a nice fella. You know what every time I lokked into his eyes, arwah ini betul-betul meredupkan malah menggoncang iman I. Sometimes, I just could not believe myself, being carried away by this gentleman from Air Mwang.

  7. Sympathiser, by that man only eh? Not this other man from Air Mawang too hah? Lawak yo sikit.

  8. Wakahwakahwakah, This is no lawak AAB. Get to the point. I know u, we all know u. In fact we all knew u before.That was more than four decades ago. Being a celebrity in school u would be adored by girls. And we were girls, then, just like FY, ZAB, BH, AK, ZA, LT and AS. Then u were boys, like KR, YR, TCL, LAM, AAB, AFY,MAA, AO, NA, IS and others. Those were the days. We loved day dreaming, building castles in the air, so much so it did affect our studies. We loved boys and almost everyone of us had been pairing off with some ones, almost dividing evry boy among ourselves. But in the end it all come to nothing.

    Many of u boys were snobbish, especially those with celebrity tags. The most enjoyable moments were when we all flocked at the school canteen, hoping to rub shoulders with the boys. But I dared say that you celebriy group were aloof and naver made it to the canteen during the rush period. We did not know where you all were, probably chasing your own secret admirers.

    Well! To me the late Zain came into the picture when he left school and joined the Airline. There was something with this boy, His eyes were dazzling and likeable to the girls. I liked his eyes, the soothing and the "kuyu" look.I loved this man. Jovial and captivating. And he was fair too. I think he must have been a loving person. Lucky charm eh? this is what I want to desribe him as a person. As for the other boy from Air Mawang, I could not say much, because he was absorbed with the only one girl he wanted to be with, the fairest of them all. And in the end he got nothing. And I think AAB was too busy with his priorities, one of which was to excel in his studies.

    We know he was a rich boy in school, earning federal minor scholarship. If only he was generous then things would have been diffrent. Next on the list was AFY, a flamboyant but admired by some of the opposite sex. but the problem with him was once he was attached to one person as his dream girl, he would never want to befriend others. i think he kept things to himself.

    Sorry to say-lah AAB, you were not my type then, unlike the late Zain. KR might be my type but he was then too busy with someone else and you know who-lah.

    Wow, have I gone too far discussing the quality of boys of the yesteryears? AAB was a kind of good-mannered kampong boy whose ambition to TBS was to study and got a good education. And that u did. U know what I am still thinking of the late Zain and how lucky his wife and family would be to have such nice person as Zain. This was my general assessment of boys, our boys during the 60's. And you can compare notes with Faithfully Yours or any other girls mentioned above, whether I am serious or just throwing jokes!

  9. We know AAB was a very serious person especially when he was the Head Prefect in 1961. In fact he was stern-looking, and we always looked upon him as a non-nonsense boy. I think this is one of the reasons why he was shun by the girls, including Sympathizer. So AAB, Sorry to say-lah not many girls would want to have u as their friends.

  10. The late Zain was loveable. And good looking too. He was a lover-boy according to TBS standard.

  11. Werner klimes: chegu udin(adek pd wan incum
    19 hours ago · Like
    Werner Klimes allahyarham pengulu bakar)kalau x silap saya.
    19 hours ago · Like
    Werner Klimes mungkin ayah chegu udin,ali tu orang mungkal,sbb Allahyarhamah emak saya dulu,pernah cakap-mereka berdua rapat sbelah bapa mereka dari mungkal.
    18 hours ago · Like
    Ahmad Fadzil Yassin Betul tu Ani. Cikgu Udin itu memang oghang Mungkal. Beliau ngaja ese darjah 1 ddan 2 kek Sekolah Kampong Perah tahun 1951 dan 1952,
    17 hours ago · Like
    Zahriman Alias Amin kawin dongan classmate, Kasmah. Kasmah tak datang malam ni sobab dio melancong dengan kawan2 ke Vietnam....manjang melancong yo kojo eh diorang ni, melampoh bona duit eh masing2.....
    17 hours ago · Like
    Zahriman Alias Sharifuddin tu TBS69, dio bekas Pengarah DBKL Bahagian Landskap. Dio duduk di Bandar Tun Razak.
    17 hours ago · Like
    Ahmadfadzil Yassin Iman, malam tai ado tak antara yang hadir tu Sbu Samah Bidin. Kok ado tak ado sapo yang nak kona an dongan ese.
    11 hours ago · Like
    Zahriman Alias Abu Samah tak ado.....
    11 hours ago · Like
    Werner Klimes weekdays x mungking dak somah tu ada,kan dia kerja jb.
    11 hours ago · Like
    Ahmad Fadzil Yassin yoko patutlah tak botomu
    11 hours ago · Like
    Mohamad Ayob Hasim Ni lobai baju biru ni,kok datang majlis tak ponah yang copek sontiaso jo lambek,tapi datang dio totap datang walau lambek mano pon.
    2 hours ago · Like
    Ishak Othman Den tak tau Lobai poie. Kok tidak bulih tompang sbb den bolom bulih bawak keto sbb baghu operet mato tambah haghi malam tak tahan silau.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Hattar Othman >Ahmadfadzil Yassin, sodagho Abu Samah Bidin info ese, dio akan dtg ko majlelih datin Rozna Md Jan nanti, dio ngoba an kek ese yg dio lambek sikit sampai, sobab dio ado majlis di Bangi sobolum tu kete eir.
    45 minutes ago · Like
    Ahmadfadzil Yassin tak apo doh ese runggulsh. Ese mungkin sampai samo dongan AAB. Mungkin tongah haghi sikit.
    5 minutes ago · Like
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    Ahmad Fadzil Yassin
    Malam ini, 1 Nov. 2012 berlangsung Majlis Baca Yasin dan Tahlil Arwah di Masjid Ubudiah, Seksyen 19, Shah Alam dilaksanakan dengan jayanya dan berakhir dengan Sesi teh Tarik di rumah Mohammad Ibrahim berhampiran.
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 18 hours ago

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    Ahmad Fadzil Yassin Inilah masalah eh ZA. Sekarang ini nak kono moderate, verify dan approve oleh Admins, Tanoang baru boleh keluar. Dulu tk payah semuo ini, sapo2 pun bebas nak komen dan langsung masuk dalam posting. Kalau ZA nak buat komen atau nak buat posting, ZA kono log in atas akaun berikut: Password eh nanti saya emelkan pada u sebentar lagi. Lepas itu buat komen seperti biasa dan kalau ZA gunakan nama Anonymous akan keluar satu arahan supaya mengisi yang kosong dengan menyalin apa yang tertera dalam gambar. Di sini letaknya sedikit kesukaran. Kadang-kadanag beberapa kli salin pun tak kono juga. Ini yang berlaku pada AAB. Tetapi sekarang AAB dah pandai dah, dah boleh posting sendiri. Sorry, kito kono burk macam ni suaya tak aolah komen yang merapu masuk semula. Biar tak ghamai komen tak apo tapi konstruktif. Dan Admins. Tampang boleh buat moderation, verify dan approve sebelum omen dipublish. Alhamdulilah banyak juga komen yang telah didelete kerana ghaso eh merapu sikit dan menyentuh la peribadi. Sorry ZA, this is the best that we can do for the blog. And we can write anything as long as it interests the pblic, especially ALumni TBSST.
    11 hours ago · Like · 1
    Werner Klimes agaknya ada yg x tau siapa bang fadzil ni,that's the best it should be done.
    37 minutes ago · Like

  12. Mengapa mesti ada kekangan dan sekatan untuk membuat komen. Ini hanya akan mengekang the freedom of expression. Tak begitu Presiden. Saya lebih suka macam mula-mula dulu, sapo-sapo boleh buat komen dan terus masuk. Terserahlah pembaca nak terima atau tak mahu terima. Itu lebih demokratik. Macam manapun blog asal, iaitu Alumni TBSST telah ditiadakan apabila Opinion Poll menunjukkan majoriti tak setuju blog itu diteruskan. Sekarang lahir Tampang, satu nama bagus bercirikan makanan kita sebagai alat perencah digunakan. Saya setuju sangat-sangat blog ini dinamakan Tampang. Kalau di negara jiran Tampang berarti muka atau rupa bentuk muka atau paras. Saya cadangkan eloklah tidak dikenakan sekatan, biar seperti dahulu, masyarakat pun sudah matang berfikir.

  13. Sympathiser, AAB was not your type then,neither is he your type now. Tak heran. Anyway, thanks for your sincere assessment of us boys. If only i knew who u r, AAB will send a big bouquet to u.

  14. Pemerhati 1962, its ok with me. You dont have to tell me after these years. I very well know that ever since I set foot in TBS. i know that girls wil not get anything from me, what has he got for them to befriend him anyway. He doesn't have anything, anything at at all. So its very ok. He has no regrets whatsoever. In fact it was an awesome thing for AAB to know that at old age, ha had a silent admirer while in school. See, u didn' t expect anything, still it happened.

  15. Sympathizer's assessment and overview of the boys during his or her time in TBST should be looked upon as clear evidence of a person's credible and unsuspected behaviour during school days. We boys won't have the faintest of idea what really did happen to us during those days. We loved the girls, we loved them as our friends and partners. In fact some of us knew the stumbling mental block that had been described as much ado about nothing by the great Shakespearean play. Head prefects in those years were looked upon as the darlings of the girls but were not given the treatment they so deserved. This was because we girls did not ape the western culture when it came to social togetherness was concerned. The boys were so timid, I mean the head prefects were. They did not even look straight in the eyes of the girls. There was the tendency of them being shy and inward looking. But the girls were aggressive, revealing their inner selves most of the time waiting to love and be loved by the celebrities. If only the girls would have the courage to ding-dong with the boys, just like the western school girls do, everything would be different today. And religion was and still is the perfect blockade that stood our way. We girls were safe by the bell. Thanks to God Almighty. A glorious moment for the boys and a religious reconciliation of sort for the girls. AAB should be proud of what he is today. So also is AFY and KR and the rest of the head boys TBS has ever produced.

  16. Hello Crazy Girl of TBS, that was cute of u to speak up you mind. However cannot appreciate u more cause I do not know who u r. That I am proud of my self and my meagre achievement goes without saying. to tell u the truth I am still very proud of how I carried myself during my entire school carrier. Had i not behaved the way I did then, and had I been entertaining u girls only in school, I would have never made it to be in Form Five, thus never would I have made it to be the so called school level celebrity. For I didn't excel in sports either. Thus I had nothing to bait u girls with. The short episode of my syok sendiri bears testimony to what I said. I wonder if you browsed that short incident. In this blog of ours too.

  17. This must be AAB talking and not AFY as I have predicted. I would have thought AFY would say something as he was the most flamboyant of the trio of 1961, 1962 and 1963. I knew who AAB was during those few years. If you read through my lines, you can understand what I mean. Anyway those were old memories. They would never come back but they will be here in my mind to stay.Anyway, thanks for the response AAB and I'm pretty sure it was you who did make the prompt response to my earlier remarks.I appreciate it very much AAB. And what I can tell you right now is that you are the most active member in the Group who has got time to write, comment and reply kengkawan's comments and opinions. Congrats!The Tampang itself has shown that five out of the six most popular posts are yours. That shows you AAB are the envy of the Group on the Block ( or rather on the Blog) hehehe.ZA is almost diappearing, So also is Hattar and even worse Nasa Abu Bakar. Another person I would like to read his post is the Mikuman. He has promised something in the near future. And sincerely, I look forward to hear and read more from u, AAB.Luv you. Muaaaaah!

  18. Hey crazy girl would you be crazy enough to reveal yourself so that I can muaaaaah you back better and with more feelings. At least give us you initial, a sincere one, not just any initial. U know what, my iPad is my sincere friend now. Especially with people like u around its really fun. Only thing is I am sharing this I Pad of mine with my two cucus. Otherwise I would have responded to u more promptly. Hai, so kudung mana lagi nak pegi dan apo lagi nak buek. Kalau Ada apo apo komen yang menarik dan perlu di jawab, kito jawab lah. AFY banyak aktiviti. crazy girl u r the second one who muaaaaah me. Thanks anyway.One more posting is coming up. May be this next one has lost its lustre. Ido not know. May be it would not interest you much.its again about an old man's experience. Sobolah yo!

  19. Nampak eh Den tengok blog Tampang ini nampak lebih liberal berbanding blog Alumni TBSST dulu. Maksud den blog kali ini lebih terarah dan ternyata tak ado kato-kato maki hamun seperti yang dulu tu. Sobab eh mungkin kengkawan pun tahu kan. Tulihan bosa di ateh blog ini dalam warna warni dan bogorak pulak tu mombori amaran pado somuo jangan nak caghi fasal. Den suko cagho macam tu dan Tuan Presiden kito tak payahlah monjoghit laie. tapi Den ghaso komen dah lobeh kopada soal hubungan tino-jantan di zaman budak seokolah. Sekaghang dah timbul pula Crazy Girl of TBS. Dulu kito ado hanya Faithfully Yours dan Sympathizer. Ado juga Mikumen dan Kich Moor yang kebanyakanya dah spin komen 360 darjah. Dah lobih positif komen masing-masing dan terfokus kepada "admiring the admirer". the head boys jadi sasaran. Tigo namo disebut untuk tiga tahun yang berkenaan 1961, 62 dan 63. Ada yang dah buek asesmen. Kito pon faham budk-budak tino dulu-dulu. Rupo-rupo eh dah muo mondekatkan diri dengan selebriti sekolah. Den tengok dah jadi coghito oghang putih yang dikaitkan dengan sikap dan kelakuan filem-filem barat bertema zaman sekolah. Maka den pon bayangkan kemungkinan pada zaman itu, budak-budak tino TBS dah punyo cara bofikir maccam dalam filem-filem itu. Srtidak-tidaknya menitu cara berfikir watak filem-filem seumpama itu. Jika demikian halnya budak-budak tino zaman 60an dulu pun dah berdetik untuk tiru fesyen pemikiran dio oghang. Sehingga timbul individu yang monggelarkan dirinya Crazy Girl of TBS. Mungkin ramai Crazy Girls ini di TBS. Dan masing-masing menyimpan admirernya masing-masing. Semakin terujo den dbuek eh. Pada zaman itu pop yeh-yeh bolom muncul, kito masih dongan lagu-lagu berirama leweh lagi dan penyanyi eh masih lagi P. Ramlee, Saloma, R. Azmi, S.M. Salim atau Normadiah. Dan budak-budak tino masih crazy dengan Cliff Richard, Neil Sidhaka, Paul Anka, Doris Day, Andy William, Pat Boone dan lain-lain. Semua ini mempengaruhi cara berfikir budak-budak tino zaman itu. Dan bila ad yang mula beranikan diri memberi komen dan pandangan, den pun teringatlah coghito ini somuo. Timbullah coghito admiring the admirer dan lain-lain. Nak dekatkan dongan oghang yang dianggap selebriti zaman remaja. Den mungkin salah tapi inilah penilaian den.Kito tunggulah respons dari Crazy Girl of TBS, Sympathizer atau Faithfully Yours.

  20. I would not say to such an extent, Hashim Mustafa. There was no reason to believe that we, girls, at that point in time were apeing the western culture, as manifested through their films. We did have our own culture and it was purely instinct that we had opinions similar to that of the western influence. We girls, were not that primitive or backward as you might think, in terms of culture.By the way during those years we did enjoy songs by Cliff Richard and Connie Francis and for those who love the sentimental type the songs by Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. We love his rocking pelvis. The so-called Crazy Girl of Ex-TBS calling the shot, was no coincidence. We used to associate ourselves as the Crazy Girls of the 60's. The reason being we loved doing crazy things, formulating crazy ideas of hate and love and of course, seeing crazy slapstick films, especially by Jerry Lewis -Dean Martin combination.

    I for one, coming from a poor family in the kampong too would not squander anybody's financial assistance from the government, like the schlorship fund, like alleged by AAB, should we befriended him due to his celebrity status. We would not do that, In fact if AAB or AFY or anybody of that status were to become our close BF, I would advice them to keep their money and we should go dutch all the way. But as mentioned by the girls, you were too snobbish and kept things to yourself. Never did you, celebrity boys wanted to share things with us be it in terms of ideas, opinions or values. U didn't give us the chance to tlk things out. That was the weakest and unbelievable burst of emotion you celebrity boys possess.You boys were having such a poor judgement of characters and you did not even think of how our feeling should have been. You were just thinking like robots, without feelings with zero conscience and tolerance. Sometimes,we stared straight into your eyes. We made cheeky remarks, intended to be heard when you were close by. But we did not get any response due to your selfishness and stupid arrogance. What a pity. I would say the celebrity status had blinded you and your superego had the upper hand, way above your self being. For instance, It was a mental torture for me when I had to deliver that "something" I refused to execute initially. Buat being a friend to a friend and wanted to be near o that someone I forced myself to do it. That was the craziest thing to do but what was a friend for. Well, those were the years but the memories linger on. Bye for now, take care, especially you, 0.5-man AAB

  21. Thank u very very much FY for ur inspiring and sincere comments. Yea we were snobbish alright, but I got my reasons for being so. Aaaah, those were the days FY let's talk about things much more dear to us now shall we. For example about ur children. U at least know about mine, through my postings, but I know nothing about yours, except for Kich Moor, which is very very superficial. Tell us more about them, what they are, are they married and so forth.

  22. AAB, you keep your side of the deal and I shall keep mine. we vow to keep the status quo intact and please do not, i repeat, do not fail me. You know my reasons leading to such a deal. And now it seems you are so eager pleading that I reveal my Id. This is not the gentlman whom I am supposed to enter into such a deal. Do you intend to do away with your promise and keep pressurizing me?

  23. FY, u r not being fair. I did not ask u to reveal yourself. I was just asking unto talk about ur children. I wasn't at all asking you for ur I'd. That more or less I already know. Let us keep that to ourselves. Shall we. Please do not jump into conclusions ok. Sebab I tak ke nak pun anak anak my once secret admirer. Kok tak keberatan nak juga nak tahu. FY FY takut benar dia. I assure you I am not the type to break promises. Please have confidence in me cayang.

  24. AAB, you must have been over enthusiastic over my family background. I'm sure by now you and the other friends of yours should have known better. In fact much of which had been said by many of your friends. As a Malay saying would have it: Sudah toghang lagi bosuloh."I do not have to say anything, you and your friends seem to have that investigative instinct and touch and need I say more. No, it is unnecessary. You may continue to pursue your own feeling and whatever you need to pursue. And in fact I am not being unfair either. I just read what was being posted in the blog and that includes your write-ups. And I did not ask you to do such write-up of your family background. So don't try to say that I am being unfair. Should I decide to do a write-up about me I will do so at my own will. Otherwise do not mention the nasty word "unfair". I read all the postings in this Blog and anyone can do so. For instance, Hattar Othman, Nasa Abu Bakar and AFY have posted in the Blog. Have you ever asked them for their family background? Why only me? So for goodness sake, stop it please!

  25. AAB, what Faithfully Yours has been saying all along is true. You should not be pinpointing to one particular person. There were a lot of other comments in this particular posting, and why pick on Faithfully Yours alone. And being your secret admirer does not mean you should dig in into her own private and personal background. How about other people who made such comments, like Sympathizer,or Crazy Girl of X-TBS? Have you ever asked for their family background? After all they must also have been your secret admirers when you were once the School celebrity.

  26. FY, there is no need to be cross with me. Just say that you'll not talk about them that all. Thereis no need for a lengthy comment either. Your being special to me I thought it would be ok for me to know more about your children. Since u do not favour it it's ok with me, we just leave it at that ok?
    How do u know that I do not ask Nasa and Hattar in person? We often meet at weddings and gatherings.
    For ur info I know more or less about u and hubby.

  27. If that is the case, then you should not have asked me a lot of questons in the first place. But the way you go about it as if you are just beating arond the bush. So stop being inquisitive, and start minding your own business.

  28. Sudah lah FY, from now on I will not bother you anymore. Never would I care for you, snobbish woman. No wonder you've been illtreated. Bye. Good ridden to bad rubbish.

  29. So there goes your true colour, AAB. Where is that gentlemanly character you used to portray all along. No wonder you were at all times a very snobbish and arrogant good-for-nothing noncompoop, born from out of nowhere bewteen Air Mawang and Timbuktu.As Sympathizer told me you must never trusted school celebrities whoever they were because you might be staring at the wrong mirror-image of their true selves.

  30. You are showing off your true colours and suddenly your gentlemanly mannerism is being reflected by the camouflage image of your own self.What a farce!

  31. FY, a silly comment calls for a stupid retort. All alongvI was trying to be nice to u. But what have I got a nasty mind my own business. Yea I am a bloody useless nincompoop! So what?you too is nothing but a farce.

  32. After exchanging soothing words, this "couple" is suddenly becoming bitter adversary. Why the abrupt change?

  33. Shim, u tengoklah komen komen heh. Kito di suroh he mind kito punya own business. Dah tu panggil kito cemacam lak tu. kok u kono u cool koh Shim. Kok lah u kono cam tu u kook mang handa lah u . Ese tab oklah kek u. Tino se Copek me dosing lah. Ese mang paneh baghan. Perkara yang ko it, mang selalu ngusik jiwo se. Lai pon ese dah mengeteh ngeteh an dio eh, ese di suruh heh mind my own business.

  34. Biaso eh AAB hati tino ini macam koghak nasi jo. Sopanjang bogaul dongan wanita UMNO ini den pandang kito kono soba dongan dio oghang ini. Tak leh paneh baghan doh. Den tahu dio masih ado porasaan laie kek u AAB, sobab coghito lamo tu masih mombokeh. Cumo kono soba. Mungkin dio nak tengok sojauh mano u boleh soba, boleh maghah dan kemudian den ghaso dio akan buek u-turn. Tengok sajolah ado boboghapo korek tino yang solama ni koreh kopalo akhir he lombut cair gak. U kono siram air ombon banyak-banyak AAB. Den gerenti lambat laun dio akan buek u-turn macam Sympathizer dan yang lain-lain itu. Dio oghang ini acah jo tu.

  35. Shim, ese tak kesah dan tak harap FY nak u turn doh. It's ok with me. Whatever goes. I've been ok all along. Thanks to Allah. Dio yang berkasar dengan se. Dio yang mulo an.

  36. Anyway, thanks for ur air sojuk. I am ok, and am really ok!

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. After studying all the comments about this particular posting on the late MZMY, I have the feeling that neither of the two, AAB and FY will come to their senses, not at anytime sooner. Each and everyone of these individuals will stick to own extreme. The third party like Hashim Mustafa wants to act as mediator but for the time being, he will fail miserably and there is always people who will take side pouring water over oil, or shall I say the other round. And in fact it is not going anywhere.

    My question is how did it all start? The issue is very simple and a layman's. It does not need complex solution. what the two sides need is just common sense,simple answer coming out of their own inner will. AAB does not have to place himself behaving like a child crying for a mother's cradle of love. As age is catching up AAB should not have put Faithfully Yours under coercive and tensed pressure. I feel that AAB has been asking too many inquisitive questions, which are very irritating to FY. And I notice that all those questions have been answered directly or indirectly along and between the lines of FY's comments, if only AAB could have picked up the tidbits.

    And AAB must by now fully understand that Faithfully Yours has admitted times and again of having a hard time trying to solve her family problem. However, AAB wants more than that, not only in trying to splash out for affirmative answers but also AAB wants a more committed confession of certainty, which to me seems rediculous. A matured woman, like Faitfully Yours, whose age might be two or three years younger than AAB, will never, I say it again, will never utter such yieldig remarks about herself, not to friends and members of her family. She would keep it to herself, to bear the tormenting experience herself, and not even sharing it with her hubby. It is indeed a sacrifice on her part. This is the point where AAB has crossed the boundary of woman's will and emotion. And that is the crux of the issue and I believe, Faithfully Yours made remarks contrary to her own true feeling. She would not have made those nasty remarks if only AAB has been more tactful. All along Faithfully Yours has been graciously admitted her problem and graciously too she has exposed her feeling towards three of the most important persons in her school life.

    But as I have mentioned earlier AAB wanted more than just a committment of proof. Or shall I say AAB needed further attentive measures like nice and loving emotionally attached utterances from Faithfully Yours. It is just like what a Malay saying goes: Beri betis hendak peha." AAB made a blunder of himself trying to dig in into Faithfully Yours distant past.In the end AAB adds one more unnecessary love-hate situation with someone who has all along admitted her intimate feeling for AAB and the rest.

    Just to remind us all, it is just a past memoir when we were at a very tender age then and when we were still kids with wild swinging in the world of apparent cradle of love and unimaginative bewilderment. The childish slang by AAB like "cayang" to show fondness did not augur with the wish of Faithfully Yours and this is testimony of such childish emotion by AAB.

    A wrong strategy perhaps on the part of AAB and AAB needs to resynchronize and refrain from making more forced errors.

    As for Faithfully Yours, my only advice is stop those nasty and unkindly remarks made to AAB. They were uncalled for because they would only intensify animosity. You too should refrain from uttering words detrimental to the soothing relation that has nurtured all along. Yes, those were the feelings of the past but I'm sure they will dearly linger on forever in your heart, whether you like it or not. I am fully certain you do not mean what you say when you utter those nasty nincompoop words to AAB. You are in dire stress and so also is AAB, whom you have categorized him as a 0.5-man-OKU.I hope I would be able to see a distant bright light at the other end of the tunnel.

  39. Let time decide if these two loving persons will reconcile for old time sake and leave it at that. That's nothing more that we can do. They will come out stronger in their love bondage

  40. The man from AirMawang. Thank you for lengthy comment whic I think is unnecessary. Can you pick up the questions, which you said were to many, that I asked this woman. Can you cite a case where I was : beri betis nak peha?please don' t swipe blindly and say what crosses you mind. Ngan lah cakap sodap mulut yo. Ngan macam FY without thinking of the consequences suroh AAB mind his own business. To me nincompoop is ok, because it takes one nincompoop to know another is also likewise. But to tell AAB to mind his own business, AAB cannot take it. What business of FY that I minded taht she had the cheek to tell AAB to mind his own business. Is asking her to tell more about her children is too much. If so well and fine. Just tell AABnot to ask questions about the kids. That would be ok with him. Dah lah let's all stop at this point. Tak berfaedah pun cito pepanjang lai. assalamualaikum semua.

  41. Ok if that is what you think might satisfy your ego well so be it, I am trying to reason out things. From my stand point of view it is you who are the culprit, U don't even understand how to read between the lines. You are so blinded by your megalomaniac and hyperego that you don't really recall what Faithfully has commented. You can go your own syok sendiri AAB, nobody cares. And you can go on building your own stupid thinking. To me you are not being fair to Faithfully Yours. She has told you many times to keep the status quo intact but you still insisted on asking silly questions. Sorrylah AAB. I have nothing to gain neither would I lose anything. And its you who are making more enemies, instead of otherwise. If I were you I would not even dare to post anything more in this blog. You are so unreasonably snobbish and arrogant and yes, I am pretty sure you are the panas baran type. You can't even see the perspectives of other people.

  42. We must give AAB the benefit of the doubt and most of all we must understand the precarious condition AAb is in at this point of time. Please forgive him. To me Faithfully Yours was very cool all the while until AAB started trying to "jolok sarang tabuan."

  43. I do not agree that AAB should stop contributing. He is a talented writer, more so he writes in English. He must and should continue writing. As regards his current mood it has got nothing to do with his ability to write but has everything to do with his power of reasonong.His panas baran has the upper edge over his cool, hence placing his superego at a higher level. At this juncture he would not be able to see things properly and fairly. We can fully understand.

  44. Sanity must and will prevail, if everyone of us requires pragmatic and constructive comments. No panas baran please. If you are in the panas baran situation your comment will not make sense and you are being dictated by sentiment and emotion. This is self-destructive.So AAB please think before you write or making comment. It's for your own good and it does ease up your tension and reduce your stress physically and mentally. This is good therapy, my dear.

  45. The panas baran must be removed from your vocabulary AAB. It's for your own good.

  46. AAB should not say "tak berfaedah". Evey comment posted in this blog benefits in one way or another. It's only if it does not benefit AAB then AAB would say tak berfaedah. If it benefits AAB it's berfaedah. What a mockery and hypocrite of you to say that. You must be fair when you do solid reasoning. Sometimes, I wonder how on earth people like AAB, suppossedly to be wise, matured and cultured, is becoming more biased in his opinion and outlook. What a pity. If everythig is tak berfaedah then whatever your contribution in this blog is also "tak berfaedah. Your contributions are just memoir of your past experience. What faedah can you get from them. Nothing, AAB, nothing. But that is not what we all want when someone builds this blog, to ensure that we benefit from it all. So stop saying tak berfaedah pon AAB. You should start finding solution to your own issue of panas baran, only then you would be successful in whatever you need to be. I am not for or against you or Faithfully Yours. But I am here to say what I think is reasonable and "berfaedah. So AAB, buck-up and be a man, not a lame duck.

  47. Orang tua pernah kata, semakin tua kita semakin bijak, tapi ada masanya semakin tua semakin pelupa pula kita. Malah semakin panas baran. hehehe...

  48. I quite agree with AAB that we stop this polemic. It leads us to nowhere, even though AAB's opinion of tak berfaedah is still questionable.

  49. AAb is becoming a sour grape

  50. Thank you friends for your concern. I think we should stop giving pros and cons on this subject. Enough is enough. I might have hurt our beloved AAB, who has been active contributing to this wonderful Blog. Perhaps I have been too hasty when I said nasty things about AAB. That was not my intention. I know AAB is a proud man and I think it really hurts when I said those things which I was supposed not to say to our former school celebrity. My sincere apology to AAB. I did not mean what I say, and neither would I mean to hurt you, my dear. I have already consulted Sympathizer about this matter and we agree this polemic must stop. We quite agree with AAB that "ini semua tak berfaedah". Let's move on and make this Blog more exciting content wise. I hope to see more contributions from AAB and in fact everyone who have contributed before. People like our beloved President, ZA, Hattar Othman, Nasa Abu Bakar and of course our flamboyant AFY. Sorry boss I mention the word flamboyant. I am just echoing what people say about you. Deep in the crevices of my heart both of you are still an inspiration that glue me and my family together. I have read all the write-ups in this Blog and the former one. I have followed AFY's contribution in the local newspapers and magazines, especially the Dewan Masyarakat. it is through these contributions I make myself familiar with your thoughts and minds. AAB's write-ups in this Blog are points to ponder. I love them. And yet again it is with regret I have said those nasty words to AAB. Please accept my profound apology. God Bless us all.Luv you all Muaaaah!

  51. This is to confirm that Faithfully Yours and I did consult each other on this issue and decided to put a stop to it. Faithfully Yours contacted me an hour ago when I was having my dinner at one of my favourite restaurants in Seremban, while Faithfully Yours was at home in Kuala Lumpur. We also discussed whether to reveal our ID. We agreed to do so when the time is appropriate. For the time being let me confirm that we are no phantoms as apparently suggested by many especially our President. We will reveal our identities in due course. And I'm pretty certain some of you might be in for a real surprise, even though AAB has mentioned times and again he knows who we are.

  52. Let's forget this old msn AAB please. He still is adamant and refuse to heed friends' plea and comments. His snobbish and arrogant attitude shows how proud he is, as if without him this blog is nothing and he thinks he is part and parcel of its existence. We should carry on our "work as usual." We must not rely on his contribution alone, and neither will we continue to look forward to his unstable mind and his future memoirs. He thinks he is too important to be without. Let's start afresh and build this blog.I understand all the while he is the only contributor which makes this blog alive and kicking. Now let's show he is not that vital he thinks he is. To the Blog Admins, I advice you to seek contributions from the internet to fill up the vcuum or from the other Alumni members requesting them to write in. The contribution may or may not be based on one's past experience. A daily ordinary write-up should do as long as it has the human interest, be it in political, economic, educational or any other social fields. God Bless Alumni TBSST.Ignore him shall we!

  53. Eleh, wat apo nak gado-gadoan. Tak yahlah gadoh-gadoh doh. Den tak fikir tak ado laie oghang lain yang boleh isi blog ini. Kito bia anlah AAB dongan cagho eh. Dio nak nuih ko taknak ko, bia anah dio punyo suko. Yang ado ni bueklah apo yang patut. Kalau nak nulih, nulihlah, kalau tak ado yang nak nulih bia anlah blog ini macam ni. Yang malu pon kito jugo kan. Biar an kosong jo blog ni. Tak usahlah ghisau an sangat. Oghang tuo kito ini moghajuk tak botompek, tompi yolah dongan keadaan dio bogitu, kito nak salah an sapo. Kadang-kadang naik kosian plak den tengok an. Kito doakan sajolah supayo AAB kito ini soda bahawa solamo ini kito nak bobakti kopada komuniti kito bukan nak nulish untuk SS, Salam pada somuo. Bueklah apa yang todayo kek kito.

  54. FY, is that really u talking, or is it your baby girl that is doing the talking for u? If it was indeed u, then I sincerely ACCEPT your apology. Like wise please accept my apology too. I was really overwhelmed by my emotion when I said unacceptable things about u dear. Please forgive me for saying things which I shouldn't have said about you lovely lady. Orang tuo mudah tersentuh perasaan ya. Itu lah yang telah berlaku kepadanya. Orang tuo terlalu sensitif emosi nya. Hendak hendak yang mencetuskan sensitiviti itu orang yang tak di sangka sangka sanggup mengeluarkanya. Many will laugh reading this apology. But there it is. It has happened. As they say to err is human, and to forgive is Devine. So be it. So FY, let's not cross each other again. Promise!!!

  55. Tha man from Air Mawang , remember what I said before, it takes a snobbish man to recognise another is a snob. And it takes an arrogant one to know that another man is also aloof.

  56. Inilah semangat kesetiakawann yang harus ada dalam persatuan. Benda-benda kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan. Dan kita perlu memikirkan berapa lama kita dapat bertahan dengan usia semakin mendekati tapal batasnya.
