Tuesday 18 December 2012


The Brinsford Lodge College Crest

At Brinsford Lodge Malayan Teachers College, Wolverhampton then, it was  compulsory for every student  to undergo three Teaching Practises practical experience. All student would be sent to various schools around the City of Wolverhampton. They traveled to and fro daily to the assigned schools. If they were posted to schools that were too far from College, they would be placed with foster parents for the one month teaching practise duration. They would come back to College only during weekends. All of us were given the chance to teach in three different schools. They were the secondary modern schools, the comprehensive secondary schools and the grammar schools.

My first month of teaching practise was at a grammar school. Grammar school is the elite secondary school where   students were very well behaved and very well mannered. They came to school for the sheer reason of knowledge and character nurturing. They meant no nonsense. Their first love was to consume as much knowledge as they could possibly devour. The grammar schools really prepared the children for an all round sound development, knowledge, character, moral, outlook and human relations, not to forget , religious understanding. However, the stress in the grammar schools was in the acquiring of knowledge. The grammar school students were very attentive, smart, intelligent and very polite human beings. To teach in this school was such a pleasure. There was no tension whatsoever. The teachers were very friendly and helpful too.

Abu Aman Bachik: The invaluable teaching practise experience, and those were the days at Brinsford Lodge

During one lunch break, I was invited  for a short religious deliberation. I was asked a lot of  questions about Islam. I felt lucky, I was able to answer those questions posed to me. I felt happy to see the answers given to them were well accepted by them and satisfied their curiosity about the basic of Islam. Imagined the audience  were sixth form students.

School in Britain was from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. Lunch was provided by the school. After lunch which was at 1.00 pm would be the afternoon siesta. Class  would start again at 2.00 pm. During the afternoon free hour, students would be involved in extra curricular activities. They kept themselves busy with society activities, sports activities, indoor games such as chess, table tennis, creative arts as well as martial arts like judo, karate and other self defense. Such was the school in Britain.
My second teaching practise was at a Secondary Modern School. It was in the City of Coventry. Coventry was a city heavily bombarded by the Germans, during World War Two. Everywhere one could see the ruins left by the devastation Ange quagmire. It was fantastic, the ruins left by war. Nevertheless, humans like destruction, thus their love of war.

Dr, mohyani Razikin of IIUM Gombak at our favourite haunts near college where we saw wild hares borrowing into their homes.

The school was great. It was great because the pupils were not interested in the pursuant of knowledge. This school was very opposed to the grammar schools.  The students in this school  were playful, not interested in doing their school work, in short they were not interested in learning. In class they made noise, disturbed each other, combed  their hair, dressed each other, made up their faces and they did all other things except learning their lessons. Whatever it was I was very impressed by their co-operation. When I told them that my lecturer was coming to observe me teaching them, they gave their full support and attention to my teaching and questions asked. They answered my questions well. They were very attentive then. Thank God. Otherwise, that was the end of my endeavour to become a teacher. If I should fail the second teaching practise I would be disqualified to be a teacher. At the end of one month's stay at the secondary modern school, in Coventry, I could not thank the students and teachers enough. Only the Almighty God could repay their kindness showered upon me, for me. Syukur Alhamdulillah!

The last school that I had my teaching practise was in a comprehensive secondary school. This school was another great English School. It was great because it had everything under one roof. The teachers were great, the pupils were classic, friendly, helpful, polite, and ever respectful; the facilities were first class. The art rooms were superb, fully equipped, you can ask for anything you need for your teaching lessons, they would provide for you. They really made you felt at home teaching in this wonderful school. The pupils were very very responsive to you, especially when your supervisor was around. I simply could not understand why I could not achieve a better grade than a B, despite all the wonderful atmosphere and surroundings of the superb school. It was just my standard of achievement I think. Could I ask for anything more?

The best part of the Teaching Practise was, some of us Brinsfordians were really "born lucky", and really made some of us full of jealousy and brimming with envy to think of some of these fellows "good-luck" if you could term it a good luck. Probably before they left their homes two years ago, in Malaya then, they had with them a  "good- luck" charm as big as a boulder, I think! You know why I said so, it was because, some of them were very lucky to obtain two THINGS at the same time. For, why not! They got their teaching practise at the same time they got also some life time offers. These happened to those who were sent quite a distance away from College and they could not travel to and fro. So they had to stay with foster parents. Some of those "lucky ones " got young foster parents. These foster parents not only provide them with meals and comfortable beds to sleep in, these foster parents provide them with extra bonus. You know what bonus it was. It was free sex sessions and lessons for those who were not well versed enough. Don't you think they were "lucky"!? Such were the passions of the young foster parents, and such were the values of the mat saleh. To them sex was nothing. For pleasure they would give them for free. MASYAALLAH!!! Hebatkan Brinsford! This was not  for every Brinsfordians, anyway. It was only for the "lucky" male Brinsfordians. BRINSFORD OH BRINSFORD!!!!! 1842, 171212........aab.


  1. The part on perks in this posting by AAB is not fully exploited. Meaning AAB should have stressed and developed this perks business. Teaching is already too obvious to generate further and wilder excitement. I believe AAB has the potential to exploit such perky experience. For instance, readers wish to know why such sex perks were being given to training teachers. What would be the outcome or the impact of such horrendous rewards, morally or mentally? And what would be the best alternate rewards or perks to achieve progress and good performance.Its a pity that AAB has not given a thought pertaining such inclination.To some readers, what has been posted is a reflection of what is in the mind of this writer. But being a teacher or ex-teacher, does AAB has the inkling of what is going on in the worlf of teacher training programe. Does it not surprise anyone. Or does it? A point to ponder for AAB.

  2. FY, timokaseh for joining back. Eden ingat dah bonci toboto. I am so elated to see you again dear lady. So dah maap kan se dah kan. Timokaseh bebanyaklah. I was really really hoping to see you back. AFY was right. He said you would come back. Sure enough. U r there. Thanks again.

    For your sake I try to elaborate on the issue. Actually I was very very surprised to be informed by my very close friend that he was the performer of this incident, which in actual fact never occurred to me that such thing did happen. Well FY such is the moral values of the mat saleh then. I was really very surprised to be informed of this by my very close friend.

    FY, as I said this did not happen to any Tom Dick and Harry. It happened To JUST this friend of mine whom I considered to be " lucky" . Lucky because not every body received this "luck". As to why it did happen to this friend of mine, I do not know. Probably his mucho ness and his handsom looks that instigated this lady host of his to be indulged in some amorous undertakings I do not know. Or probably just to show this "lucky" good friend of mine of the English hospitality of the young host, I did not dig deeper into the incident. I was not very interested to know deeper either. I thought it was just his luck, if it was lucky enough. As how often during that one month's stay the amorous undertakings took place I did question further. May be every day during the four weeks, I did not ask. Of course FY if you asked me the moral value of the incident, definitely for us Muslim its very very morally wrong. Never the less such things do happen don't they. Especially it was definitely improper for a would be teacher to be involved in such practices. Well there it was it happened. Is it ok with u FY?

  3. Welcome back Faithfully Yours, the come-back kid of the blog.

  4. Thanks for your appreciation HM. Ceeria lah balik blog kito Ni kan. Beberapo hari tak do dio sunyi yo kito kan ? Heharap lah si Sympathyser pun turut lah soto kan lailah ceeria kito kan? Welcome back.

  5. Den ini kan apo doh. Ghaso eh sunyi nabona bilo Blog Alumni TBSST boghonti buek posting dulu, lobih-lobih laie bilo tigo ompat oghang yang aktif buek komen macam Faithfully Yours, Sympathizer, Mikuman Razak Yahaya dan lain-lain tak bobunyi laie. Ese faham bona mongapo dio oghang tak nak ikut gunoan FB, macam ese ni. Sobab tak nak torikat dan kono daftar dulu pulak. Macam nak jadi pengundi PRU pulak. Lobeh baik buek komen dalam blog. Kalau ado yang sensitif kito gunoan Anonymous atau namo samaran lain. Kok FB, semuo eh rasmi. Itu sobab eh. Ado den maco Tuan Presiden Alumni TBSST kato yang tak bodaftar dan yang tak kona itu ontah sapo-sapo, kok den punyo pandangan apo salah eh kalau ontah sapo-sapo. Bukan kito kigho bonar sapo yang buek komen tompi kandubngan komen itu yang motan eh. Cumo den sotuju bona2 kalau ado sapo-sapo yang mongawal komen2 ini, kok tadi nanti ontah apo-apo akan tojadi tomasuk kono bawak ko tongah. Yang part ini den sotujulah dongan pandangan Presiden kito tu. Tompi janglah makso-makso oghang nak bagi komen kono daftar rasmi namo dan tompek tingga, kan namao eh tak ponureh itu. Cam sokagahang ni den nampak sopan jo kandungan komen. Alhamdulillah;ah sapo-sapo yang ngontrol blog ini den nak ucapan mokasihlah. Jadi oghang yang tak ado daftar dalam FB taklah ghaso topinggir. Boto tak AAB atau blogger ini yang namo eh Abuaman Fadzil. Bunyi eh macam duo namo dijadikan satu. Abu Aman dongan Ahmad fadzil ko ini. Kalau boto oklah tu. Den nulih tak ghoti kalau sughuh coghamh dan politik, pantang dicabar. Salam somuo.

  6. Sori bro HM.....ado kekeliruan di sini. I never for once said I want to control comments in Blog Alumni or Blog Tampang, and I never said nak kono bordaftar. I welcome sapo2 jo nak cakap apo jo dalam Blog Alumni atau Blog Tampang......korang nak komen, nak kutuk, kritik, nak bercakar.....hontam koranglah....asalkan remain sopan tak macam blog politik tu sudahlah. Yang sei maksud tak suko tu ialah apabila ado orang yang macam Ric More, masuk jadi ahli TBSST tapi mau remain anonymous. TBSST is a psysical group....we know each other psysically.....we talk, we share, we meet, we visit each other. So I dont tolerate people who want to remain anonymous and join TBSST......and I said such people should only be in Blog Alumni (Now Blog Tampang). Sori lah klu telah berlaku kesalah-fahaman ini. Bagi diri saya sendiri, saya jarang masuk blog Alumni atau Tampang....sebab secara perabadi saya lebih suka bercakap dengan orang yang saya kenal atau saya boleh nampak. Saya tak berapa suko becakap dengan orang yang duduk dalam golap, dio konal kito , kito tak konal dio......

  7. Kau cubolah Warigh. Satu ayat pon takpo. Asal boleh baco. Kan susah na nulih to doh.Kan kau tak beso nulih karangan kek sokolah dulu. Cubolah yo Hashim.

  8. Mokasihlah Zahriman dan Anonymous. Komen u den paham amek-amek. Tompi tulah yo den ni memang tak suko nulih. Nak bukak akaun fb pon den tok roti. Dan lebih baik den tak bukak, kadang-kadang bak kata cucu den, kalau atuk dah masuk nanti dah jadi kotageh keteh. 24 jam kek fb jo. Kalau gitu tak payahlah. Baik den nulih dalam blog ni jolah. Kan dah ado yang nukang tapih eh. Jadi kalau ado yang locot batu sombuyi tangan pandi-pandailah oghang kek dalam blog ni moto an. Itu kan kojo den doh. Inilah pandangan den. Mokasih sokali laie.
